Together we thrive for 2025! Rally On!!!

June 2024 - Ken C. // DOMOGARAGES


Hey there everyone!!!  My name is Ken aka @domogarages living in SoCal.  I’ve always enjoyed the great outdoors as a kid.  Spent a great deal of the last decade starting a small business in warehousing and now I'm trying to enjoy the great outdoors again!  YAY!!! 

People call me crazy but my favorite hobby is actually cleaning, detailing, and applying ceramic coatings (yes, it includes hours of paint correction as well) on vehicles cause I find it fun!!!  Weird RIGHT!!??  Yes, I’m so weird like that but the satisfaction you get looking at a completely transform car afterwards is just a worthwhile experience. 

I purchased my Forester Wilderness because I wanted something that I can be comfortable in as a daily as well as take it adventuring when I wanted to.  Overall I love the Subaru community as everyone seems so supportive and helpful.  Big shout out to John with Rally Innovations as he had more than once given me guidance and even asked people to help me with my build on the subie.  So far I’ve got some Baja lights on the subie and are considering getting a new roof rack in the near future, just haven’t decide on what yet.  I’ve also pick up some Method wheels with Falken Wildpeak tires.  Of which I just found out won’t fit in my spare tire wheel well.  Oops! (excuse to get a spare holder)

I believe with the Subie, just don’t worry about how others build their vehicles.  Just build it so YOU get to enjoy it the way you wanted to.  In the end, that’s what really matters most!  So happy trekking everyone and stay safe out there!